Robert Craig Thomas


Robert Craig Thomas

Bob began his career by going to university and studying music theory and composition.  At the end of four years, he received his Bachelor of Music degree and the heartfelt advice that although his spirit was clearly willing, his talent was sadly too weak.

This began a succession of successful learning experiences and productive failures: becoming a professional disco dancer and teacher; a ballet dancer specializing in lifting and carrying ballerinas high above the head; performing dance shows for money and occasional praise; constructing and selling computers patched together from used computer parts; performing solo monologue shows across Canada in the Fringe Theater circuit with more good reviews than bad; entertaining school children with a history of African-American dance and racism show funded by the state of Massachusetts; and a myriad of other things which are better left unmentioned, as they would sadly only add tarnish to Bob’s highly patinaed sterling career.

So, you know the truth, ‘nuf said, welcome!

If you have opinions, you are welcome to send them to Bob at or  Please note, that he may or may not reply, depending on your tact upon writing and his mood upon receiving.


PS:  I was once at a state fair in Pennsylvania and there was an announcement, “Will Bob Thomas please come to the security office, there has been an emergency.”  I stood in line with 8 other people waiting to see which of us was the “real” Bob Thomas.  It wasn’t me.