Can words have meaning
Can words have meaning

Can words have meaning

Can words have meaning

like a wall, a stone, a grain of sand?
A tree, a leaf, a chloroplast?
Do questions have meaning,
are words an answer or simply
a delaying tactic, before we admit

Does my life have meaning if its measured
in syllables and phrases? Is there more
meaning in my hands when
they weed a garden? Is the earth
caked beneath my fingernails
meaning? When

the words build and grow within
my brain like vegetables on a vine,
which I harvest and cook, is that
meaning? Is there meaning in
my cells, are my hemocytes noble
and heroic or are they simply
the droning on of my bone marrow?

Is there meaning in these words
or is this, too, a trick, so I must not learn
to build a wall, to fix a pipe, or break
my nails pulling carrots
from the damp earth?


[2021.07.18 v2]

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