I can only words
I can only words

I can only words

I can only words

I can’t music. Oh I went to school, I played
an instrument, I learned to write, but
in my being I know the truth.

I can’t dance. Yes, did ballet,
can tap dance, be me. But
it’s not the dance they clap.
They like that I can fun.
And fun is fun, but it is not dance.

But I can words. Or so they say.
Not like when I music or dance,
they don’t say the same as when I
words. Words are me, there is
most nothing else. And words aren’t

productive, not making light bulbs.
That is why I hesitate even still to word.
Because I want to product, creative,
make things for people that are
useful and make them smile.

But I

And letters and spaces

(and sometimes
numbers) 1.


[2021.09.16 v3]

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